SP 2022-2023 📖 📚
Written by @admin1 on Thu Feb 16 2023 15:24:39 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)Just like that - 2 years (4 semesters) in SP went by so quickly...
I can summarize my second year at SP into 1 phrase - "A journey of growth". I got to learn more advanced web frameworks (both frontend and backend), and understood more deeply the design principles & mechanics behind those frameworks. I also got to learn cloud computing, mainly focusing on AWS.
Juggling a full-time job and part-time studies was not easy, but the journey was made easier with the support of like-minded peers. I'm glad to have met & interacted with some of you guys 😊. Our class this year comprises a diverse group of individuals from a variety of industries, with most of us having prior programming experience. It was heart-warming to see my classmates helping one another, especially with regard to clarification of concepts taught in class.
Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end. As I approach the end of my second year at SP, there's a sense of loose ends being tied up - a finality that stands in marked contrast to that of my first year.
In my first year at SP, we were taught programming fundamentals. In comparison to that, in my second year at SP, we deep-dived into popular frontend libraries, backend frameworks, and cloud computing - while also understanding some of the underlying CS theory & mechanics behind them. I really learned & grew a lot in my second year at SP. From the bottom of my heart, I would like to thank all the lecturers in my second year at SP who helped solidify my understanding of those technologies, clarified the questions I had in class, and most importantly provided useful tips & guidance to my journey as a software engineer.
As I handed over my exam script for tonight's exam, there was this bittersweet feeling that lingered in my heart. I'm not exactly sure why. Maybe it's because my heart is struggling to accept how fast time flew by in my second year...
What will my learning journey look like for my future years as a software engineer? Only time will tell...
On my way to the examination room
Walking past the iconic SingTel Tetris Tower
SP School of Computing - our lessons this year were at T2143
Finished BDD exam - part 1
Finished BDD exam - part 2
Finished BDD exam - part 3
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Leaving SP and heading back home 😔
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Proud to be from Singapore's first polytechnic - See you soon :)